
Hello. It's nice that our paths have crossed. Wyatt is a diesel mechanic and I (Jenny) am an elementary teacher. I have chosen after 4 years to stay home and raise our two wonderful children. Currently, we find ourselves at the 'Crossroads' of the United States in Salina, Kansas. This will all change for us though; the landscape, language, and the culture mostly. A lot. We are missionaries serving with One Challenge International (out of Colorado Springs). We have not yet figured out what nation God would like us to serve. The people will be the same though. I don't mean this in a cynical way. Just to say that we are all in desperate need for what we can't buy, borrow, or replace... the grace and love of a risen Savior. We hope that this will be a place where you can be encouraged, restored and connect with us wherever the Lord leads. May the Spirit move mightily.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fall Pictures

Brett as "Dash" from the Incredibles

Daddy's helper

Josie (our tweety bird)

Our playlist

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About Me

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Wyatt and I are serving as missionaries in the Philippines with Philippine Challenge (One Challenge International). Our heart is to serve and love people in to God's arms. Why? We have known His grace and forgiveness. We are children of the Big-hearted King.